Monday, September 13, 2010

Soulless - Parasol Protectorate - Gail Carriger

Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate)Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate)
A not-so-young victorian girl has been relegated to spinster-dom by her flightly mother due to he darker skin and slightly prominent nose. She enjoys the freedom that comes with being "unmarrigable" as it allows her to read and do what she will. Unfortunately, a few scientists and Lord Maccon have different plans for her.

In Gail Carriger's London, werewolves and vampires live a public life, dirigibles are a common means of transportation, and it is possible to be born with out a soul. Alexia has spotless manners, a knowledge of style, and a sense of pragmatism provided by the lack of a soul. I found her to be facinating and highly entertaining. I enjoyed the way that she handled odd situations as well as her silly friends and family. The plot was fast paced, if a bit predictable, and I found the lore of this world to be refreshing.
*I just read a few reviews on this and was amazed by the hate... I thought it was fun, but it appears that their expectations were a bit higher than mine.

My Recommendation
A highly enjoyable read for fans of paranormal or steampunk genres. I give it a 4/5 - Wait for a sale/coupon.

1 comment:

Rowena said...

Hello, I'm hopping through from the blog hop/FF and I wanted to say hi. I'm a new follower and browsing through your archives, it looks like you'll be a great fit for my blog roll. =) Keep up the good work and I'll see you around.