Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nic Cage is a Sorcerer

Sorcerer's Apprentice The Sorcerer's Apprentice

One of Merlin's three apprentices, Morgana, steals a spell that can raise the dead before murdering Merlin. One of Merlin's other apprentices, Balthazar, is tasked with finding Merlin's heir as he will be the one to defeat Morgana and save the world...

Nic Cage pulls off yet another creepy role (his ability to portray a man that you would never want around your child is simply amazing). The movie manages to have a very Jerry Bruckheimer feel, a perfectly fluffy popcorn movie with an overly dramatic soundtrack and some overly cheesy slapstick moments. This movie is mostly action, with a little bit of plot stuck in between the action sequences. So if you're looking for a fairly good movie that won't make you think, this is the movie for you.
Favorite Quote:
These are old man shoes
Excuse me?
I love them... alot.

My Recommendation
The one and only reason that I recommend seeing this in the theaters is that the effects look great on a big screen. Some of the magic is simply lost when it's moved to a TV... Plus, it's kid friendly so it's a good break on a hot summer day.
4/5 - Wait for a sale/coupon (or matinée)


DiZneDiVa said...

I love the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Funny moments, action, special effects and several love stories... what more could you want? I agree it is worth seeing in the theater.*Maria*-Blogger from "This one time at Band Camp..." Check out my blogs at

Anonymous said...

One question: How much time of the movie is devoted to Nick Cage's crazy face? You know, where he gets all snarly and gravelly? And looks like he needs a tranquilizer and a teddy bear?