Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Last Airbender

The Last AirbenderThe Last Airbender

A young girl and her brother find a boy and a giant flying bison in a ball of ice in a frozen ocean. Together, they journey to learn how to control the four elements of earth and rescue the world from evil Firebenders.

I suppose that I should let you know that I never watched the anime or read the manga. I found the story kind of bizarre and choppy, though I suppose that if you knew the rough plot, the show may have been more entertaining. Plus the acting was very very cheesy. The child who played Aang was simply terrible and sounded like his was blankly reading lines at every opportunity. It also bothered me that the flying bison (Appa) looks an awful lot like a luck dragon. Apparently, this is the first film in a planned trilogy, it certainly feels like they tried to cram too much story into one movie, so it should be interesting to see what the do with the next films...

My Recommendation
Rent it or wait for it to come out on TV, unless you or your kids are rabid fans of the show. The effects aren't so good that they have to be seen on the big screen...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for visiting The Foodie Mommie! I am following you back!